Furniture with Motorized Access

22 August 2008 at 21:31 | Posted in Furniture, Innovations, Motorized furniture, Voice Control Furniture | Leave a comment
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[Category: Innovations. If you are new to my blog please read the “About itimes3” page first]

Well this one clearly belongs in the category “lazy bum items” plus it is a very obvious one, however I list it here because every time I go to a furniture store, be it a more basic one like Ikea or something really fancy, I look in vain for items of this type. So I have to assume they do not exist, at least not as a mainstream article.

The item I am talking about is the motorized chest of drawers, cupboard, etc.

In this age of remote controls and electronic everythings, I am not happy that when I want to open a drawer in my chest of drawers, I still have to bend down and pull the thing out, which is not handy.

If the chest of drawers had a set of buttons at the top (or the side, for a taller model), and the drawers had electric motors, I could just press the button corresponding to the drawer I wanted to open (or close) and I would not have to bend down anymore and pull or push the thing.

Fancier models could be equipped with voice control, and could for example only obey the voice of their owner, and lock the drawers until the owner calls for them to be unlocked and opened.

The furniture would need to be equipped with sensors that detect any objects sticking out, or other anomalies, which would stop the motor and sound an alarm.

Other furniture such as cupboards could be equipped with electric (roller) doors etc.

Not only would this type of electrically motorized furniture make life easier (and lazier), it is handy because you can use both hands to carry things you want to place in the drawer or cupboard, rather than having to either use only one hand, or put down the item(s) while you manually open the drawer or cupboard.

Furthermore, it would be a good thing for older people with mobility problems, or the disabled.

If you like this idea and you work in a type of industry where this is relevant, I would be happy to discuss in more detail, answer questions or assist in other ways. For details and contact information please see the “About itimes3” page.

George Spark

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